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As an online merchant, you will know that not every order is genuine and that some bad actors will try to defraud you. Shopify does natively have some precautions in place to prevent fraudulent orders, but the system requires a level of manual input that can sometimes be tedious and hard to work through. In addition, if you’re not quick enough when manually cancelling fraudulent orders, you might get hit with a chargeback from your payments provider, which often comes with hefty penalty fees, adding insult to injury.

Luckily, a Shopify app by the name of FraudBlock automatically cancels high-risk orders, meaning you no longer need to manually sieve through orders classified as fraudulent by Shopify.

FraudBlock works by checking any new order you receive against the built-in fraud analysis system provided by Shopify. If this system deems the order to be high-risk, then FraudBlock will automatically cancel the order and refund or void the payment if one was made.

FraudBlock settings within the Shopify admin panel

Further to this, FraudBlock conveniently restocks your inventory all without you having to lift a finger. For all Shopify merchants, this is a no-brainer to easy and efficient fraud protection.

Shopify order backend showing how FraudBlock cancels orders

If you’re dealing with over 30 orders per month, then you will need to upgrade from the free version to one of FraudBlock’s paid plans, which start at a fair $4.95 per month – peanuts, compared to the peace of mind that it’ll give you by dealing with fraudulent even while you sleep.

FraudBlock pricing

To install the FraudBlock app onto your Shopify store, follow this link where you can activate the app with a single click and help protect yourself from fraudulent orders with peace of mind.