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GymShark, a fitness apparel company, has been killing it with their drip email campaign. In case you‘re not familiar, a drip email campaign is a series of emails that are sent out over a period of time, usually in response to a trigger (like signing up for a newsletter). GymShark‘s drip email campaign is outperforming everyone else for a few reasons.

First, their emails are highly personalized. They use the recipient‘s name in the subject line and throughout the email, which makes the recipient feel like the email was written just for them.

Second, the emails are timely and relevant. They send emails based on the recipient‘s purchase history and browsing behavior, so the emails always contain products that the recipient is interested in. Lastly, the emails are visually appealing. They use highquality images and product photos to make the email more visually appealing and engaging.

Overall, GymShark‘s drip email campaign is outperforming everyone else because it is highly personalized, timely, relevant, and visually appealing. If you‘re not already using drip email campaigns in your marketing strategy, you should definitely consider it!

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